Tuesday, November 3, 2009

'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2' benefits from 'NCIS' writer

Article by Mike Snider

This article is rather interesting to read with the tie from video game to NCIS writer. However, I feel as though Snider could have explained more the significance of Jesse Stern, NCIS writer, and his role in the video game.

The headline deals with the NCIS writer, the lead mentions him, and the story somewhat focuses on Stern but fails to mention the so what? How did Stern get involved? Why did he meet with the studio three years ago? I feel as though if the tie to NCIS is going to be made, Snider needs to explain why it matters or how exactly Stern landed up working on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Overall the information seemed valuable but I did feel as though the story jumped around a bit and there wasn't a good fluidity to explaining the game, Stern's impact, and information regarding its release. My main issue with Snider's article this time is that I don't know what the point of it is and what I'm supposed to get out of it.

I was somewhat intrigued to read the article because I wanted to know how a video game and an NCIS writer were connected, yet, I feel quite unsatisfied.


That's all for now folks


  1. Would you have been so unsatisfied with this article if Snider had included info from other sources? He could have interviewed one of the hundreds of other people who worked on this project. He could have asked them what Stern contributed?

  2. I think the use of other sources, particularly explaining Stern's role in the game-making process would have made me very satisfied and would have contributed greatly to the overall value of the article.

  3. I feel the Stern conenction is tight enough, but I do agree with you that the article was "lumpy" and lacked flow. It seemed a bit of a schill for the game company. I found myaself lacking as well. A bit of a tease but no "what's in it for me?".
